Home VHTPA CSHS Things We Do

Now that you've gotten a short explantion on what CSHS is, and how to get into it, I'll now be explaining what we do within the Club and my personal experiences.

In CSHS, you will be doing projects, videos, and volenteering to reach the requirement of 10 service hours. If you didn't know you need 5 hours of regular service such as joining a voleteering club and helping out there, and 5 hours of CSHS volenteering services, which I'll be explaning how to get your hours below.

So when first joining CSHS you have to decide on a project that's related to Comuputer Science. There would be a brainstorming section, then a part where you decide on what to do and who to present to. There are many options you can choose from like the audience or the location. After deciding all of that, you have to get working on your slideshow. This slideshow consists of informaion about your topic that is relevant to the audience.

This project does allow for creativity, so try to make something that the students have never seen before to impress them.

During this project time, there will be multiple checks to make sure you actually did the work, so try not to procrastinate to ensure that you have quality work.

After the slideshow, the next thing you'll be doing is some sort of video. This video is related to the project you did and will be the last part before the end. You will have to make a fun and informative video about the topic you picked for your slideshow and then everyone will get to see eachothers work. For my expeirences, my group did Cyber Security and we all hopped onto a Discord call and began to present. One of our members did a creative twist and even added sound effects to make the video more entertaining. The project was fun as I was working with my friends and I had a great time doing it.

After the project, you have another one informing individuals on anything CS related. My partners and I choose Cyber Security as we had experience with it but you can pick something completely different. We filmed a video about how to stay safe on the internet and protect yourself from phising. The project doesn't take that long but you also have 3 weeks to do it. So make sure you don't procrastinate.

If you miss these projects for some reason, even though the Officers will make sure you're on task, there's other projects you can do too. These include making a poster, teaching your parents about technology if they don't know about it already, and working on a website with HTML.

And now for the super exciting part, you can go on a field trip to SCALE. SCALE stands for Southern California Lunix Expo which is a private event that members of CSHS can attend to. If you're in the ECS class you basiclly will get a spot to the field trip. The field trip is a whold convention about Lunix related companies and you get to learn about each one and get free goodies too!

Now that you know more about how CSHS operates and the fun activites it provides, we hope that you join the club in your sophomore years.